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Help for Honduras

-Clothes Any size from small to large (Not winter)


-Towels for cleaning floor

-Female Pads


-Underwear (preferably new) Kid, teens, adult (male and female)

-Masks (They are dealing with Covid19)

-Hand sanitizer

-Hand Soap

-Dish Soap.

-Spanish Bibles (we will buy them from Equipping the saints).

Goal: 800 Bibles ($3 per Bible)

-Spanish Gospel tracks


The deadline to donate is December 1st

Donation Location: North Roanoke Baptist Church

                               6402 Peters Creek Rd.

                               Roanoke VA, 24019


Donation Times: Monday – Friday / 9:00 am. – 4:00 pm.


For questions or heavier items, please contact:

Job Marquez (540-293-8856)


The cargo container shipping cost is $3,500.00

We will buy Water in Honduras goal to collect $500.00

Any donation is welcome and goes to North Roanoke Baptist Church


3623 Roundhill Avenue

Roanoke, Virginia 24012

(540) 366-5861

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@2022 by Oakland Baptist Church. All rights reserved.

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